Amy had been quiet since their agreed time and place, though he doubted she would be late.
When the bus pulled into town he found himself in familiar, if not too frequently visited surroundings, he only really came into town when his friends wanted to go somewhere, or there was something on at the cinema, or to go shopping, but he'd been here often enough to know his way around, particularly to D20.
He made his way through the streets, enjoying the contrast between now, confident and ready for the forwardness of Amy, and before, when he had been entirely unprepared for Laura's advancements.
He arrived at the cafe just a few minutes past two and began to scan the groups of people, picking out a few familiar faces, no one he really knew, but people who he saw here often.
He picked her out almost immediately, sat alone she wasn't entirely what he had expected, but close enough to draw his eye. She was a curvy girl, not unlike her aunt, with a very full chest partly obscured by her arms holding a cup, her face was quite different to Laura's and not just for its youthfulness, he could still pick them out as being family, but no one would mistake them for each other.
She sat looking around a little anxiously, her skin pale, her hair, neck length, was tucked back behind one ear and to his delight was the color of the sunrise, a gorgeous natural array of oranges. She wore glasses over her wide, pale blue eyes and she fidgeted, lowering one hand from her cup to gently pluck at the long sleeve of her emerald colored turtleneck sweater.
She looked, he thought, like a young librarian, her full longbow lips a vibrant red, a cup of coffee held in one hand which she lifted, taking a gentle sip. He watched with a slight smirk as her glasses steamed up a little, her lips leaving a red tint on the white rim of the cup.
He approached her and made to sit opposite her, surprised at the sudden company she looked up from her cup, her pale cheeks coloring noticeably as she struggled to see through the fog on her glasses, only once it had faded did her eyes light up with recognition. Ash knew then that Laura must have shown her a picture of him, though he was curious as to which one of their selection she could've used.