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The Truth about The Fate of Mariana Cordoba..still searching. .

Just yesterday, yet another strange FACT has emerged. And it is not the purported fact which is stated in this new purported information, but the FACT that it is the Same Person posting about Mariana and making the same claim that Mariana has passed away. . . . and THAT person making this statement I have stumbled upon in 2018 is Ana Mancini once AGAIN....though in 2018 here in this blog I ran into yesterday, Ana Mancini is stating that " all who are wondering about Mariana Cordoba, she passed away FOUR YEARS AGO..... " - is FOUR years ago NOW Ana claims in 2018, meaning Mariana according to Ana, passed away in 2014, though in a post in 2016 Ana Mancini Claims that Mariana Cordoba passed away on February 26, 2016. .............. - C'mon, there is something really not right about all these claims about either Mariana Cordoba's passing or also that she may still be alive. . .

Well........ the thing is, I also found another blog recently in which someone said that " ........well I heard that she(Mariana Cordoba) is just taking some time to relax and get her head straight because, ya know....she GRADUATED ya know (Snip Snip....haha) " this person claims.......which obviously can be taken to mean that this person believes based on whatever hearsay they have, that Mariana Cordoba went Post-Op, letting go of her cherished MEMBER to present a full Female Profile to the world now.....hmmmmmmm, well......THAT IS a STRONG POSSIBILITY. Mariana Cordoba ' might have ' decided it was just better for business and let go of her Ladyboy Profile claiming to be 'Deceased' , changing her name once again perhaps, and then now none of us know who she is in society because she could be operating with a Completely Different LOOK as a Female Escort, END OF STORY, - MAYBE. hmmm.....I dunno, and nobody knows at this point.

Other wild claims or outright LIES about Mariana in other blogs I have found say anything from ' ....I doubt Mariana is dead because just one month after she was reported as dead, she was advertising in New York Back Pages looking for customers...

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