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Popping Lisa's Cherry

Lisa bathed in a luxury of soft bubbles and sweet fragrance. She made smooth her ugly, hairy maleness and purred with delight when she ran her palms along the velvet perfection of her legs. She savoured each moment of her dressing until; finally, she was ready, finally complete.

When she was dressed, Lisa drifted [a feminine cloud] down the stairs and happily moved around the house like a butterfly released from the cocoon - she was whole.

Lisa walked between the rooms just for the sheer pleasure of walking as a woman, just to feel the breath from the hem of her dress on her legs as she walked was pure and sublime, it was a joy to be free of those jeans; the icon of masculinity as far as she was concerned.

She felt the welcome embrace of her bra, and although she knew that a lot of women hated the encumbrance of what they saw as a yoke, Lisa revelled in what she saw as a badge of membership and a definition of Sisterhood.

It was too good to last. Fate wouldn't allow Lisa to get away with it, how predictable.

Lisa heard the scratching of a key in the lock at the front door and her blood felt like iced water in her veins. She stood in wide-eyed fear, frozen to the spot like rabbit caught in the glare. If she'd reacted sooner, she might just have gotten away, kept her secret intact, but it wasn't to be...

Laurie stood just inside the doorway, her face the personification of disbelief, the shock plain on her pretty face. She stood, immobile with the bag of groceries hanging from her fist like a lead weight.

'Dad?' She said in a voice that could easily be mistaken for calm. 'Dad... what?

Lisa stared at her stepdaughter, unable to comprehend what she had actively dreaded for so long; the spectre of discovery became a reality and was wearing her stepdaughter's face.

It had happened ...



The bag fell heavily to the floor and Laurie turned and fled, ashen faced and beginning to sob.

'Laurie!' Lisa called feebly.

What use was it? Even if her stepdaughter returned, what could Lisa say?

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