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Plant Food

“Since you both stumbled upon this flower after I was already growing, you were to be used as material for my children. I should be able to create wonderful offspring by using you two…but…”

The two siblings were surprised to see honey-like tears rolling down Flora’s cheeks. “…I don’t want to give up either of you. You both gave me so much pleasure and so willingly. You both are so precious to me.”
Rebecca could see that Flora was torn but in the end her biological programming would override what ever attachment she had for the pair.

“Flora…,” Terry murmured, hugging her torso reassuringly.

“Wait a moment. Flora, you don’t need our DNA specifically to reproduce do you? After all, you got your genes from everyone else, right?”

“Well, yes, any living human will do. But you two are the only humans still living here, and I certainly can’t go out in public until my species has safer numbers.”

Rebecca suddenly smiled evilly, having devised a wonderful idea. “So you need us to…call in some food for you?”

Rebecca ran upstairs to get her cell phone, uncaring that she was naked as the day she was born. Flora was right behind her, Terry cradled in her arms. Rebecca sifted through her numbers before finally hitting the speed dial, the trio waiting in anticipation for several moments. Finally the receiver clicked to life on the other end.

“Hey, Sarah what’s up girl? That’s cool. Me? I’m looking after my brat of a brother.”

“HEY!” Terry protested petulantly. Rebecca gave him a playful wink as she continued her phone call.

“I know totally lame right? So…my folks are gone for the week and the house is all ours. How about you come over, and we can have a party before the weekend’s over. I’ve set up a lot of party favors in the basement so be sure to invite ALL of our friends. You should bring your little brothers and sisters over, too, so Terry has someone to play with. Oh, and don’t worry about food. I just ordered in.”

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