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My First Time Out: The Preparation

Shayna ordered seven sets of fingernails that were all pre-painted in different colors. She grinned with the thought that she wouldn't have to mess with polish. The choice for tonight was shiny red, matching her "blood-red" lipstick.
Her cuticles were already peeled back conducive to the nail fitting over her real nail, hiding any form of a male's hand. A little glue and presto, she was done. Shayna's quick manicure was close to professional. They were so bright and shiny it gave a semblance of a wet paint. Inspecting them, she dreamed of running her one-inch long square-tipped nails through his hair. Digging them into his back, tweaking his nipples, or even wrapping them around his nice thick COCK!

She put on a red satin neck scarf that imitated a choker. The tail of the scarf was four inches long. Shayna grabbed the tail and swiveled it to the side as it brushed on her right shoulder. The scarf added to her attraction and also hid her adams apple. Shayna then doused herself with Red Door perfume. She sprayed each wrist and a little extra on her lean neck. At 9:30, it was time for Shayna's "First Night Out."

Suddenly, a horrible thought struck her. In Salt Lake City, it is necessary to be a member of a bar or night club before you enter. Or purchase a temporary membership for $5, but must show proof of identification.

Shayna didn't have a driver's license, but Shane DID! What should she do?

"Think Shayna…..THINK," she nervously said aloud as she lit a cigarette to calm herself.

As Shayna watched the exquisite fuck-slut in the mirror, dressed to kill and no place to go. She knew there HAD to be an answer.

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