As soon as we walked into the restaurant an older Mexican lady screamed out Sydney's name and came over to her. The woman was in her late fifties to early sixties. She had to weigh well over two hundred pounds but she moved like dancer. She didn't wobble like you would expect but moved gracefully though the crowd. As soon as the woman was within arms reach she held out her arms and Sydney virtually jumped into them.
They hugged each other for a few minutes before the elderly lady put Sydney down and started speaking Spanish to her. They had a brief conversation till Sydney turned to me and said, "Mama Maria this is Mr. Hastings. Mister Hastings Mama Maria she owns the restaurant."
I took Mama's hand and said, "Its nice to meet you, you can call me Philip as can Sydney."
Mama hugged me to her and said, "Any friend of little Sydney's is a friend of ours. Now please come and sit so we can get your order."
Mama showed us to a table that was secluded from the rest of the diners. Once we sat down she gave us menus and quickly left. Before I could even look at the menu Sydney said, "Mr. Hastings would it be alright if I ordered. I know what I want and there is enough for two seeing the size of the portions that they serve here."
"Only if you call me Philip," I told her.
Before she could answer Mama was back with salsa and chips. She took the order from Sydney who told her what we wanted in Spanish. Mama didn't even bother to write down the order before leaving our table.
After she left Sydney dipped a chip into the salsa and popped it into her mouth before saying, "So Philip what brings you here anyway. I saw your resume and it looked impressive from a broker's point of view, but that doesn't explain why you would want to come here."
I explained to her about my medical condition and that I needed to relax. I also explained that a friend had told me about teaching and I saw their ad on the Internet. Throughout the conversation I had started eating the salsa and it was quite good and not near as hot as some of the salsas I that enjoyed in the past.