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Medicine of Magic Part 2

“I.can get an erection for you, dear. D’you”

“Can you.make love to me, Robin?”

“Oh, my dear, yes, I can.and I want to. Do you want me to?”

“I want to do anything to make you very happy, Robin. I am your slave even if the doc didn’t make me one. I don’t care. I love you, too.”

“Oh, Mickie! Will you.will you poke me and give me an.orgasm, Mickie?”

“Fuck you.? I’m sorry, make love to you? Can I erection, Robin?”

“Yes, the same way I can. Same as a little blue pill. Look, let’s go get ready.then we can go to bed. Oh, she giggled, d’you know why the doc wanted to make you a slave?”

“Uh, uh. Because he’s a control freak?”

“No-o, she was laughing and barely able to talk, h-he.he.he’s a slut!”

In a rush before she collapsed laughing, The doc’s a part-time female, an impersonator, he’s still got his balls so he’s a shemale! He.he.makes like a male most of the time.”

She fell into a chair and laughed at me and the expression on my face. I had to smile, for the doc had fooled me completely, His voice and I was understanding the distinction between a female like Robin and me and a shemale like she said the doc was his voice had been a tenor, not a contralto and the actions were essentially male. But when I thought back, I remembered a few mannerisms that now struck me as very female. Oh, well, what the hell?

I was more interested now in getting Robin to stop chuckling and I wanted to get into her more and more. I sure thought of her.and, as two girls, getting it on with each other. So okay, we were acting lesbian .so what?

Robin finally was able to sober up enough to rise on her own and lead me lovingly into her bedroom. There she opened a cabinet with a key on her neck chain and extracted a small vial.

“Mickie, dear, two drops of this will have the same effect that Viagra®) has on a man. Why it works for a female like us.any female, for that matter, to make the clitoris engorge.and that’s what we make love with, Mickie!.I don’t know, and I don’t know who does. Never mind, it’s safe, I guarantee . Go ahead, I’ve taken my two drops. I could see her semi-rigid clit.”

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