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Lady in the House

Then it dawned on me what was happening, the significance of the word transform'; the reason Carmel was shaving my legs. I felt numb. I couldn't comprehend why Eddie would do this to me. I was in a trance as Carmel fished shaving my legs and then the soft down on my arms. She shaved my face and rubbed moisturiser onto it. Then she led me out of the bath and dried me off. I was just like a mannequin that Carmel could move around and pose as she liked. Carmel led me to the part of the bathroom that had about ten sinks and mirrors lined up along the wall. It wasn't until later that I took notice that the usual stainless steel mirrors had been replaced with glass and that each of the mirrors had a bright light over it. One of the sinks had a high stool set up in front of it and Carmel sat me on it.

Now pay attention honey, you need to learn how to do this, she said.

I noticed that on the shelf below the mirror was a large assortment of makeup. Carmel took a damp sponge and applied generous amounts of foundation to my face, cooing at how lovely my skin was and that I didn't need to use 'dermablend' or other such heavy-duty foundation. After she had applied the foundation to my face and neck she picked up brush and applied a slightly lighter coloured powder to set my face. She rouged my cheeks, accenting my high feminine cheekbones. She fussed around my eyes applying liberal amounts of eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara. She then finished with another light dusting of powder. All the time Carmel was explaining to me how I would need to learn how to apply my own makeup. I was still too dazed to really accept what was happening. The final touch was the application of a bright red nail polish to my toe and fingernails.

Then Carmel reached under the sink and opened a cupboard. She pulled out three wigs sitting on wig stands and I noticed there were a lot more in there. Carmel looked at me seriously for awhile then selected a blonde bob and pilled it on my head. She turned me towards the mirror and made some adjustments. I was shocked as I looked at myself; I looked stunning. I couldn't believe the transformation to my face. I looked like a sexy, mid thirties, over made-up, slut.

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