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Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch. 11

I was completely on the back foot, and he checked his watched commented that he was going to be late for a client at the gym, and said we’ll have to message each other. Still a little stunned he gave me a hug, wrapping me in his big chunky arms, I automatically slipped mine round his waist our sweaty bodies pressed against each other briefly before he parted, and started to run off, waving a few paces later.

I just stood there in shock, my phone still in hand unable to take in that someone had basically just asked me out, I’d never been asked out like that, although I guess you could count Ellie as kind of asking me out the day before. I felt strange, embarrassed? No, excited? Maybe a little. This was crazy, I was so used to being the one to leave him standing like an idiot on my doorstep and here I was gawping at him running off into the distance.

Could my week get any crazier? my trance was broken as my phone buzzed in my hand, a message from Ellie who had clearly just woken up. It snapped me out of the situation and we had a little back and forth talking about what we did the night before, how much fun it was, and how we should absolutely do it again, but maybe with something to eat before the alcohol.

Mentioning that I was out for a run and her not believing me, I snapped a selfie and sent it to her, only afterwards realising that not only could you see the glistening sweat on my chest, but the angle and way I was standing gave the distinct impression that my nipples were erect, even through the padding of the sports bra.

In an attempt to not draw too much attention to that, I asked if she wanted to get a bite to eat, something to soak up the hangover, which she was clearly still suffering from. We’d meet at the usual café in a couple of hours as she insisted that she needed a good soak in the bath before even thinking of leaving the house.

I ran home, suddenly with even more to think about than when I went out for a run, rather than taking time out to get my head straight I was adding to it.

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