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"Des rochers. Je savais que ce serait des rochers, ils se faufilent toujours sur vous." Vance siffla en levant les yeux vers la masse de débris qui tombaient maintenant vers lui alors qu'il se tenait debout et regardait avec défi l'énorme quantité de terre qui s'effondrait comme un véritable héros !... Read full Story
Vance n'était pas ce que vous appelleriez un homme typique de l'empire. Non pas qu'il n'en ait pas l'air, des années de génie génétique, un bon élevage, un bon régime alimentaire et un programme d'exercices l'avaient placé dans la fourchette parfaite pour qu'un futa veuille s'accrocher et s'assommer... Read full Story
Les choses allaient si bien.... Après un long et misérable quart de travail, Steven rentrait enfin chez lui. La plupart des gens détestent faire la navette, mais Steven trouve que la demi-heure de route est un moyen idéal pour se détendre avec un livre audio ou un podcast. Dernièrement, cette pet... Read full Story
Dani regarda nerveusement son reflet dans son fidèle miroir compact. Il était assis sur le siège passager de l'Escalade noire de Keyshawn, sur le point d'entrer dans l'un des clubs les plus exclusifs de la ville. Son mascara faisait battre ses cils naturellement épais de manière attrayante, son eye-... Read full Story
Dani avait placé le grand bol de chips tortilla au milieu de la table et recula pour admirer l'effet. Les bols de bretzels, de frites et de sauces diverses étaient astucieusement disposés à ses yeux, mais Dani savait qu'il perdait son temps. Entre le match NBA sur l'énorme téléviseur de Keyshawn et ... Read full Story
1. 'Alan à Alisha...' La salle de bain était embuée et le miroir s'embuait alors que je me dirigeais vers la baignoire. Là, dans toute sa gloire, était assise ma magnifique épouse Liz qui occupait déjà un coin de la baignoire, seul le haut de son torse était visible avec toute la mousse qui l'ent... Read full Story
"Qu'est ce que je fais ici?" Ce n'était pas la première fois que Max se posait cette question ce soir. Il détestait les rassemblements avec beaucoup de monde, il détestait les fêtes et il détestait particulièrement les soirées costumées. Et pourtant il était là. Pas seulement lors d'une soirée costu... Read full Story
OH, FRERE! ⚧️ ⚧️
C'était le début de la séance avec le psychiatre. La femme aux cheveux argentés avec de petites lunettes de lecture à monture écrivait déjà dans son carnet. J'ai admiré son choix de mode d'un élégant tailleur-jupe gris avec un chemisier blanc. Ses simples escarpins noirs étaient élégants et montraie... Read full Story
SUBMISSA, ADESTRADA E BEM ALIMENTADA POR UM MACHO DOTADO Ha alguns dias atras, quase antes de começar essa coisa toda do Coronavirus e do povo ficar isolado em casa, eu tava voltando pra casa, já umas 11 da noite. Meu onibus, o ultimo, ia demorar ainda pra passar, não tinha ninguem na rua, tudo f... Read full Story
SUBMISSA, ADESTRADA E BEM ALIMENTADA POR UM MACHO DOTADO (parte 2) Como eu falei, depois de ter minha boquinha judiada e meu cuzinho maltratado por um dotado, com pauzão grosso e pesado que gozou tanto na minha garganta que tive que ir engolindo pra não vazar nada pelos cantinhos da minha boca...... Read full Story
Fin de una buena juerga
Hace algún tiempo, salí por Barcelona a tomar unas copas. Acabe en un after, de esos en donde coincide gente de todo tipo. Estaba en una calle del centro. El local se encontraba repleto y yo me hallaba también repleto de Whisky con coca cola. Estando en la barra se me acerco un chico que empezó a... Read full Story
I kneel in front of Dominatrix Persephone
Fan Mail. I kneel in front of Persephone.. She looks amazing in Her latex catsuit, but there is something else eye catching. Chance, Persephone huge hó rse c... It looks intimidating in picture, but just think how it must look when it is right in front of your face!! Holding it in my sissy hands, i... Read full Story
Marathon im Cruisingworld Kirchberg
Ich wurde um 11 Uhr bei mir zuhause von meiner Begleitung abgeholt, gemeinsam fuhren wir ins Cruisingworld nach Kirchberg. Angekommen, wurden wir sogleich nett begrüsst, danach ging es in die Garderobe und gleich ins Spiegelzimmer. Wir starteten den Tag zärtlich mit Küssen und Streicheln. Ich wurd... Read full Story
Ein etwas anderes Grillfest 31.07.24
Am 31.07. wollten wir eigentlich ein geiles Grillfest in der Ruine Anwil feiern. Leider machte Petrus kurzfristig nicht mit, so dass wir bei Andrea Obdach fanden. Nach und nach fanden alle Gäst:innen bei Andrea ein. Andrea begutachtete, als gute Gastgeber:in, die mitgebrachten Würste, während der G... Read full Story
2 Faker, Eierlose, Blockierlistenuser und ein paar richtig geile
Freitags sind Fimia und ich an die Bi-Night im CW Volketswil gefahren. Als wir eintrafen, waren schon viele Freund:innen auf der Terrasse anwesend. Wir fläzten uns zu ihnen auf die Liegen und schon bald wurden allerlei Zärtlichkeiten ausgetauscht. Da wurde gefummelt, hier wurde geblasen und sogar da... Read full Story
it all started back in school
i used to get fucked by 5 different boys and one man i was always the one being fucked they would all leave there big hot loads in me sometimes twice in a row this ended up being nearly everyday after school the care taker caught us under the stage i thought we where going to get in so much trou... Read full Story
Siempre hice mucho esfuerzo para recordar mis primeros contactos con mi verdadera identidad. Borrosamente veo imágenes muy cortas. Lo que si tengo claro es que me atendía una ama de llaves. Ese día, después de una ducha me llevó al dormitorio a cambiarme. Me dijo que era muy bonita y quería verme ve... Read full Story
Ellen's Candy
Sometimes I get in the mood to suck a dick but I’ve never considered myself gay. I’m @ the very least bisexual but I don’t like to limit myself to that either because I think it restricts my sexuality. I get turned on watching all types of sexual situations that you could think of;... Read full Story
Ellen's Candy
Sometimes I get in the mood to suck a dick but I’ve never considered myself gay. I’m @ the very least bisexual but I don’t like to limit myself to that either because I think it restricts my sexuality. I get turned on watching all types of sexual situations that you could think of;... Read full Story
Darrel and Danielle
Darrel Willard, a handsome, strapping black man, stood just over six feet. That he goes to a gym is obvious. I had seen him several times while in the warehouse on business or just walking through the corridors. Our encounters though pleasant had only been brief. He's a good-natured person but on... Read full Story
Working Title
As Max's parties went, this was pretty much the usual. He calls them "Meet and Greets". I call them "Novocains". Of course, I would never tell Max that. It's just that they have this irritating tendency to deaden all my senses. My current lover has his own Los Angeles-based publi... Read full Story
JoHannas Trainingsprogramm
Hallo Freunde, ich bin JoHanna Satin, eine Satin Bitch und Hobbyhure. Leider war ich die letzten Monate aus krankheitsbedingten Gründen nicht als JoHanna aktiv. Jetzt kann ich wieder JoHanna sein ! Ich will wieder als Hobby Nutte auf Tour gehen und Schwänze blasen ! Ich beginne meine Outfits zu sort... Read full Story
JoHannas Trainingsprogramm - Teil 2
Hi, der Fick-Trainings-Tag rückt näher ! Mir juckt schon der Arsch ! Das letzte Training war vor einer Woche und ich hab jeden Tag mit Freuden daran gedacht. Ich träume vom Schwanz lutschen ! Ich werde ganz wuschig und geil wenn ich an die feinen steifen Schwänze denke, die sich mir entgegenstrecken... Read full Story
There are people on porn sites who hunt down people like me and make me a world famous whore. They download all my photos that I publish. Sometimes they add descriptions to photos. They share my photos on all known porn sites, forums, chat rooms. More and more people have my photos. Some people edit... Read full Story
Alex mordilla sa lèvre en fixant le test d'anatomie devant lui. Après une semaine épuisante de finales et de sessions d'étude nocturnes, c'était enfin son dernier test. La liberté était si proche qu'il pouvait presque y goûter. Sa jambe rebondit anxieusement alors qu'il remplissait une autre série d... Read full Story
Le rêve est mort. L'écriture était ma passion, mais cela n'a jamais servi à rien. La réalité a une mauvaise façon de vous rattraper, déchiquetant vos désirs dans son sillage. Ce cycle d'épargne et de vie de ces économies s'est progressivement révélé intenable et maintenant, à vingt-cinq ans, j'ai... Read full Story
My erotic dream
Over the past few years I have been thinking about one very important thing.To jerk off all the time and to think about beautiful, sexy trannies who want you to fuck them for the rest of your life. I give in to temptation and when I see cum on my face, that's when a strong orgasm calls to action. In... Read full Story
1er rdv avec mon amant
Cela débute un jour quand dans une soirée il me raconta qu'il aimait bien les hommes, avec une consomation d'alcool abusive il me raconta ces histoires ses rencontre, nous en restons la, un soir je décide de me rendre chez lui il avait un petit studio en ville je tape à sa porte il m'ouvre je rentr... Read full Story
Amateur Shemale Videos Just Next Door
I rented out a place in this neighborhood not because of the fabulous location but because it was really cheap. It wasn’t what you call a family neighborhood, but nobody was picking on me, at least. My flat didn’t have much of a view. The living room window was facing the building nex... Read full Story
Case of the Jealous Transsexual Chapter 2
Dee-Dee was becoming a little possessive after the 2 times that we had seen each other. She began calling me everyday, emailing me, wanting to know when will we see each other again and so on. To tell you the truth I had moved on. I had done everything with Dee-Dee that I felt could be done on a phy... Read full Story
A Night Out
I was at the bar one Friday night after a long, long week at work. It was one of these weeks where at the end you tell yourself you need a drink. I was still new to this town and haven't been out that much so I went to a bar near where I live in case I decided to drink myself into a stupor. I got th... Read full Story
A Night Out Chapter 4
As we laid in each others arms our cum squishing between us Neerja slowly peeled her body away from mine. As she stood I took in her body again. She had a fantastic body. Long slender legs, perfectly toned stomach, and nice small perky tits. Her dark skin and hair made her look like some Victoria Se... Read full Story
On School Grounds
It’s amazing how good the cloth feels against your bare skin. I had never thought of myself as anything but a straight and regular Joe. I didn’t think that I’d get a stiffy wearing woman’s clothing like this. I looked at myself in the mirror, just to see if my padding was ... Read full Story
Dottie's Back Chapter 3
I was relived to finally step into my home after lingering at Kim's house for more than an hour. Brian, Jerry and Kim had kept themselves quite busy touching up different areas of the webpage. Kim left the two guys at the computer and walked me out to her deck as I was leaving for home. She told me ... Read full Story
FMDM Inc - The Interview
I had just finished a therapy session and was glad to get back to my office and relax. I'd have to lay off the cinnamon stix in the morning, my bustier was tighter than usual. My mini-frig offered a variety of drinks and I grabbed the pitcher of iced tea and poured a glass. Settling into the rich... Read full Story
Hi, My Name Is Hollie Chapter 1
Hi, my name is Hollie! Hollie Marie Gibson. But my big sis, Emillie, usually just calls me Holl. She and I were born within a couple of years of each other, and we get along really well. I just wish our body types were a bit closer, so we could share clothes like some sisters do. That would be so co... Read full Story
My Orgasm at work
I finally found my sexual fantasy come true at work. I always fantasize about one of my female co-workers (and sometimes all of them) dominating me, pegging me, brutalizing me. That every time they walk by my office, they would pour their coffee on my floor next to my feet and i'll get on my knee... Read full Story
Mikaela Lilyskin My story
Hello! My name is Mikaela. I want to tell you a little bit about how I became a "Tranny" I grew up as a normal straight guy. When I was 15 years old, I was looking at a porn magazine and saw an Asian girl with a cock. Oh my god, how horny I got. I jerked and jerked to those pictures for several m... Read full Story
Feriengruss 18.07.24
Um ähnliches, wie im folgenden Bericht, mit mir zu erleben, ist es notwendig, dass man sich sehr gut kennt. Alle Handlungen sind miteinander abgesprochen und es ist beidseitig ein tiefes Vertrauen vorhanden. Nicht nur, dass mir nichts passiert, auch dass ich meine Grenzen während des Spiels klar kom... Read full Story
Shemale On Webcam Made Me Cum
It wasn't enough for me - regular porn, regular girls... I felt like I was losing it, not having the only thing I really desired: a shemale. But I was new in that world, not knowing where to go, where to look, so I decided it was better to see shemale on webcam first. I searched the internet and ... Read full Story
Seven Lessons Part 1
Bryan was king of the road warriors. Speeding around the country in his sleek, powerful Mercedes selling whatever his latest job demanded. He was damn good at it too, always raked in huge amounts of commission until some faggotty client bitched about a one-sided deal he had put together and then it ... Read full Story
A Night Out Chapter 2
As excited as I was to see Neerja again it took me a few days to get up the nerve to call her. When I finally got the courage and dialed her number I was put to ease by her sweet voice. She was so easy to talk to and any nervousness I had went away. We talked about how our week was going and other s... Read full Story
Fifteen Minutes or Less
Late night, middle of nowhere on a deserted back road. Todd is late on delivery with a pizza and getting really tired. It has been storming pretty bad for more than an hour. After driving a little longer, he finally sees a place and sure enough it looks like it. It's a pretty big place with three st... Read full Story
Been Caught Cheating Chapter 2
I awoke in the morning to voices. It was Angela and her sister Heather! I could here them in the next room talking, but couldn't make out the words. Everything was still dark though. And I was still bound to the bed, and gagged. I had stayed like that all nightlong. Trying to move, I also found that... Read full Story
Hose and Heels in the Bedroom
Liza giggled as she sat back down on the sofa, a mischeivous smile on her face. "Whats so funny I asked?" wondering what had tickled her fancy. After all the only thing that had happened was that she'd just been to the toilet to relieve the pressure that the 3 or 4 glasses of wine tha... Read full Story
Bethany's First Bra
1 I think it was on our third date that I first learnt of Greg's 'preferences'. We were sitting in the cafe, having just seen the latest Woody Allen film, discussing whether it was funny or not. [I thought it wasn't. He loved it.] There was a few seconds' silence, save for the sound of the other pe... Read full Story
Head Cheerleader Mikki Part 2
Last night was one crazy night. I spent the night dressed femme and being used like a slut by my girlfriend. It was a wake up call for me. I guess wearing my mothers panties from time to time should of given me a clue about how much I liked being a femme boy. So here I am sitting in my room looki... Read full Story
Hotel Surprise
Working in the big city has it's perks and drawbacks. The other night some of my coworkers and I went out for a small celebration at a local restaurant. Everyone ordered drinks and we enjoyed our latest professional success. Finally the crowd thinned out and I was leaving with some others. One of th... Read full Story
My absolute ultimate fantasy
When I was growing up my pops had a auto repair shop out in the country right off the crossroad of two main highways we were never going to be rich but we were very comfortable When I graduated high school he gave me half of the business,so I could take over when he retiredThat first summer is one t... Read full Story
Feminine Persuasion
Chapter 1 One must look back at events in their life and laugh at times. One must even remember those that have come into there life and smile about them. But when someone has had such an impact on your life that you can no longer go back to how things were before them, you are forced to remember... Read full Story
Black Transsexuals Rock
Yvette Seraphim is the name. I'm a big and tall, dark-skinned and big-bottomed young Black woman of Haitian descent living in the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. People often say I resemble Tennis Champion Serena Williams, only taller and curvier, with more booty. I take that as a compliment. I... Read full Story
Dottie's Back Chapter 4
Waking up on the single bed in the spare room was not the best way I could imagine to begin a day. Dragging myself from underneath the covers, I made my way to the bathroom and stepped into the shower. The previous night's events were still fresh in mind: Stacy having slept with another man and then... Read full Story
Hi, My Name Is Hollie Chapter 2
Hi, everybody! It's me again. Hollie. You remember, the 19-year-old herm-girl with a buxom older sister? It's been a while since I last wrote, but wow. Things are moving right along. And in some fun, unexpected directions! Emillie and I have been spending more quality time together, playing around a... Read full Story
Story of Heather Chapter 1
So I have been struggling with who I am ever since I could remember. I guess the main point I'm trying to make is I was born a boy, but have always had the urge to be a girl. For years I have battled this and the growing hunger of letting this inner woman come out. As I have progressed through the y... Read full Story
My brother caught me crossdressing
It all happened 3and a half years ago.I started secretly crossdressing about an half a year before.One day my parents went out and told me that they will be late,and my b*****r was staying at his friends house (he was 17 back there and i was 14).As soon as they left the house i ran down to my mom's ... Read full Story
My first foursome with shemales
I just want to say im a straight guy i love women but lately i have had dreams about fucking shemales, now im only 5'9 and have a 5 inch cock 6 inch fully erect. now i watch a lot of lesbian porn and im a little curious about shemales. now some girls i have fucked say im a great pussy lic... Read full Story