Free Stories

Ladyboy orgy in Thailand
During one of my many nights in the sleaze capital of the world Pattaya, Thailand I was at a certain ladyboy bar all dressed up in my sexiest outfit that the "girls" had ask me to wear in as I had shown them some pics of me dressed. Not that I could ever hope to compete with any of them! ... Read full Story
Meranda James date
Vince rang my doorbell at about 7. I answer the intercom and I buzz and let him in. There were couple minutes and he was at my door. I opened the door and his eyes of hazel brown cut into me and sent a shiver up my spine. The look told me He like what he liked. He was about 5 foot 11 tall. I knew is... Read full Story
THis isn't a sexual story (just wanted to use
This isn't a story at all, it just goes without saying that. For once in my life I feel popular lol. Its funny because I have been a member of numerous websites where I don't even post my photos of myself as a girl. Just my male pictures and it feels as if people aren't really thrilled if you're a m... Read full Story
Don't mess with Mistress Toni.
Few months ago a guy contacted me online and asked if I did S&M. with a Tgirl. Have done it before (Well very little I haven't done) and said "sure" I asked if he had done this sort of thing before and he said "Yes and I want you to do it "full on" Kept chatting away... Read full Story
A good friend
I have a friend whos name is Novak.We have known each other since we were little kids.We have always done everything together and have no secrets.But he didnt know that i liked to wear womens clothes.He has blue eyes,is very handsome and is very developed and he also plays football.Since we were rea... Read full Story
First Time Having Sex With A Shemale
Ok let's begin so I was walking down the street going to the store one day I saw a woman and her daughter moving into a house they had some heavy boxes that they need help with. At first I thought she was white girl but when I got closer to them they we're Asian becuase i only saw the back and they ... Read full Story
Xmas pet
I never got anything from my father for xmas or bday since I started leaning toward my feminine side. I knew something is strange when I got up on xmas morning and saw some presents. He does buy me clothes he sometimes wants me to wear at home but that's never a gift - more like a strange punishment... Read full Story
Mommy catches you masterbating....
Well first, I walk into your room and dont know that you are home... It had been awhile since I saw last because you have been working at your new job so much lately... It had only been a few weeks since you got home for the summer from college, and I was celebrating having you in the house again...... Read full Story
The Truckers Reststop
I had to work yesterday, it was Saturday,I had made plans to spend the day being the slutty little whore for the whole day, but work got in the way. I came home felt tried so I soaked in the tub, shaving my legs and puss yass and gurly clit. The weather was bad all day, when I finally decided to Fem... Read full Story
A fantasy of mine with a sexy cd or tranny
i wanna dress you up in a sexy blue fishnet shirt with a red lacy bra under, a short black miniskirt with a pair of red silk panties, some thigh highs and a pair of red high heels and take you out somewhere and fondle you a little here and there then go back to your place and take you to bedroom and... Read full Story
Strip Gaming gets with Kelly
After taking an extremely boring Christian ethics class (required by my college, not by choice) on a late Friday afternoon, I checked my cell to see I had a few messages. It was Kelly and she was celebrating a well deserved A on an Calculus test. The first message read: "Got an A in Calc. Vo... Read full Story
A little favour
Day 1 – Friday My neighbor Kathleen called me up one Friday evening and asked me if I could come over to her apartment and help her with something. She lives in the apartment next to mine, so I went over there. She was sitting at the kitchen table talking to a girlfriend. They were finishin... Read full Story
What If My Mom
Country Boys with a Difference I loved my Brother's cock, don't get me wrong, it's just what happened and our Mother loves our cocks as well as she loves our breasts. Let me explain. It all happened when I was 13 and my brother was 11. Ours was a happy family living in the hill country of Kent... Read full Story
the lollipop intro
I'd just put on a pair of really short cut offs and a cut up t-shirt that was midriff and loose on the shoulders. I was shaved smooth all over and my long hair fell over my shoulders, making me look quite femmy. I drove down the interstate sucking on a lollipop feeling sexy all over. After a bit, I ... Read full Story
my female spouse cought me on bed taking a black cock
I cross dressing & son of my landlord loves me specially on bad. he dosent like to talk to me , he needs me only to satisfy his lust. I m ok about that as he is tall, dark n handsome & he has huge thick cock mmmmmm.I love him so mad for day he called me to see if I m available for h... Read full Story
transvestite mistress gina
i went to visit tv mistress gina one day. as i walked in she ordered me to strip naked and lick her shoes, i did this for a while then she led me to her room. she placed me in a dentists chair spread my legs wide open strapped them down and did the same with my hands. my cock ass and balls were tota... Read full Story
My First Time with a Transexual
I was in a large city about 100 miles from my home for a week on business. I had been hitting the bars for a few days with out a lot of luck. On the way back to my hotel afer work one day I picked up a few of the alternative newspapers/sex ads. Checking the ads out later I saw women, men and transex... Read full Story
I had known Stacy for about three years, but I had never known about her little secret. That day when it was revealed changed everything for me, and for Stacy too. We were the greatest of friends, spending almost all our time together. We had come as close to each other as lovers but as two women, n... Read full Story
More Dirty Sex with Tania. Part One Hotel Sex
It took quite some planning, after our last meet in the lay-by, but at long last we had both been able to get away at the same time. We, well actually Tania, had arranged our meet to be at the Premier Inn at Witcombe, just south of Cheltenham and just of the A46. Tania was arriving just after lunch ... Read full Story
made to be his gurl
After waiting tables for a good 6 months, I had finally got myself clear and could maybe get myself back to California. But I wanted to get there with some money in hand, so to save the air fair I thought it would be fun to share an the ride with someone or ones. I put an ad on Craig’s list fo... Read full Story
Paying the rent in a special way!
When the rent is due, it must be paid, one way or another, usually the conventional way,which is cah or a personal check. Yet when neither is available at the time, well, other ways can be found! my landlord came over the other day, as he always does once a moth, to collect the rent, which i always ... Read full Story
My name is Cheri, I live my life in lace and satin. I have always loved the way those materials feel against my soft skin. I have shoulder length red hair and bright green eyes. My friends used to call me Charles but about 12 years ago i had this epiphany that i felt out of place as a man and one ni... Read full Story
Training of stacy
Before reading this story please be aware that that some people would label this work as obscene and pornographic in nature. It contains several themes including transgendered, homosexual and lesbian issues in addition to graphic sexual descriptions. To make the action flow more freely and the st... Read full Story
More Dirty Sex with Tania. Part Two
Luckily most of the guests at the Premier Inn had now checked in so when we both went down through the reception area it was again deserted except for the receptionist who only acknowledged the door key being placed on the counter. There were a couple of people in the car park but most were only int... Read full Story
My girl in threesome with two shemales
As I watched my girl on the dance floor bumping and grinding with her friends, I was wondering if I would get lucky tonight. Little did I know, I was in for a night of my life. My girl, Lisa was sandwiched between two of the most beatiful blondes alive. Their hips swayed from side to side and as the... Read full Story
Ambers torment
It seem to be the typical day for Amber as she entered the home of Master. The usual early wake up and long drive down to his house seemed nearly routine though, the last visit was a few months past and the girl was anxious for what was to come. Although, her expectations were not different from any... Read full Story
Crossdress fuck
One day while at university I went to the toilet. There was some one in the next cubicle. I could see a shadow under the partition. It was moving back and fort very fast. Was he wanking? I started to feel horny thinking about it. As a cross-dresser i was wearing a satin night-dress under my clothes.... Read full Story
Brandi the Shemale Cums After MNF
So, I come home from watching Monday Night Football with some guys at the local pub. I turn on the TV and some infomercial for an exercise machine comes on. The model working the machine has a great body and seeing her workout is really working me up. My cock even gets a bit hard. Feeling a bit o... Read full Story
Italian hoe!
Verona is a nice city. Here, a motherland of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”, there are lots of places of interest to see and enjoy. Verona has much more to offer. The city, also known as Urbs Nobilissima, is the second biggest city in Veneto (after Venice). It is one of the citie... Read full Story
Fucking with Gina!
Hi! Here I am with my own story! I’m a young white guy, a good looking son of a bitch! When I was a college student, one of those numerous young people who always rush for something, then I was a focus of interest for lots of chicks around! But then something changed. Changed a lot. As I remem... Read full Story
Ad trap
I saw their ad at the site: “Couple looking for a bisexual guy.” I decided to call them I knew I had to hurry, there were always many people ready to try, I wanted to be the first. When I dialed the number I heard a nice voice, it was a man, he sounded like a beefy man. He turned out to ... Read full Story
Becoming the girl i really am....
I guess I'll start from the beginning, I was in my early teens and my parents had friends in town who we did everything with, travelling, camping, holidays, the works. They had a daughter who was a couple years older, and a son who was my age who was pretty much my best friend. We started masturb... Read full Story
A night out with my sister
Following in from Shopping with my sister - Please read my other stories first to set the scene. Jane and I lie embracing on her bed, our naked bodies merging into one as we hold each other closely. "What do you want to do tonight?" I ask "I was thinking we could have a night... Read full Story
Morning Routine at the Mansion of My Misstress
My eyes open with the gentle humming of my small alarm clock. I quickly shut it off so as not to disturb anyone else in the room. Its 4:30am, well before light creeps into the day and the room is now pitch black. Very quietly I rise up on my hands and knees and crawl off of the small doggy bed on th... Read full Story
Becoming the girl i really am part 2!
I smiled up at my best friend, dressed up in sexy lingerie and smiled, "Can i dress up too?" i asked in a hopeful tone of voice. "Oh, wow, really? Yea sure!" brian answered with excitement in his voice. "Go into the guest room, my sister keeps all her clothes in the dresser ... Read full Story
As I walked through the shop my heart raced. I was here for one reason. To buy women’s lingerie. I had always chickened out at the last second and was determined to go through with it today. I slowly made my way into the small shop browsing over nothing in particular when a older good looking ... Read full Story
A Savannah night
Crossdressed fully and very seductively in only fishnet thigh highs; hooker heels, g-string, garter belt, and bra, (all black), I had intentionally let the man walking around the motel parking lot see me. He'd stopped in his tracks, mouth open, and stared, as I stepped out onto my motel room balcony... Read full Story
Joanna Tranny Prostitute
Joanna stood on the street corner and casually shifted her posture from one leg to the other. So far it had been a quiet evening for her with few punters around. Not many girls were plying the streets either. She’d had one customer earlier. He had been an Asian guy in a Toyota who’d stop... Read full Story
Bar Hopping with my sisters
My two older sisters asked me to go to the bar with them which is always cool considering i am Transexual and they are not, course i always felt the reason they always asked me to go with them is because i had a way of drawing men to our table like bears to honey ha ha ha.(not that i think i'm all t... Read full Story
Miko and Mali; Thailand's finest teen sisters
Last August my friends and I went on a “lads holiday” to the beautiful country of Thailand. We had booked a fortnight, which was to consist of five nights in a city hotel in Bangkok, and the remainder in a stunning 5* resort in Phuket. It was my first time in the country, my friends hav... Read full Story
The Slut on the Balcony
A night away from home on business always meant a night of crossdressing and exhibitionism. I loved to get a room with a balcony so I could easily be seen by men walking around the motel grounds. This night I'd dolled in in a black lace corset; heels, hose, and g-string. I slipped on a leopard print... Read full Story
Walk his way
Just for the thrill of it all, I moisturized my freshly shaved body, combed out my long hair over my shoulders, and put on a pair of very short cut off denims, cuffed them even shorter, and a Betty Boop T shirt with the neck and sleeves cut out. I looked and felt very much on the fem side. Not reall... Read full Story
Little cock convention
They came from all over the nation to downtown LA convention center. It was the "Little Cock Convention" I watched as men from all races and status came in. Sometimes they came with their wives,friends,Mistresses,lovers, or even their boyfriends. I was on Guard duty and walking the conven... Read full Story
Christina and Paul
Christina moaned quietly as her partner Samantha slid the vibrator slowly in and out of her. She was fully dressed and bending over a chair with her skirt up and knickers round her knees. It was eight o'clock and she was waiting for her new boyfriend to pick her up to go out for a drink. This was... Read full Story
My desire continues after Greg's departure
After Greg,my first black lover,moved away,I THOUGHT that my "experiment" was a passing one. Was I ever wrong. I'd be in bed holding the recent centerfold up with one hand and my other stroking away,yet,when orgasm neared,my thoughts invariably turned to Greg and specifically,his big bl... Read full Story
Loving TS Sex
living in a medium size city 30 years ago, it was necessary to stay into the closet. That way of live is really still the reason why I never outed myself, even after years living in different bigger cities and several countries. I had acquired a taste for transsexuals, considering them the best o... Read full Story
Dana becomes a woman
All her life, Dana had felt different. Born a boy, she always preferred dressing in girl clothes and playing girl games. She was mistaken for a girl from the time she was toddling - her feminine face and manner always convinced people. By the time she graduated high school, Dana discovered her main... Read full Story
How i became a Transexual Tart
This is my true story of how i became a Ladyboy. I grew up in a small town in the UK, Where i lived there wasnt many females in the same age group as me and my friends most of the girls were much older than us which left the boys sexually frustrated alot of the time. My best friend Alan was always f... Read full Story
First TS sex
I think I was near my 35Th birthday and, believe it or not I had never had experience with a transsexual. I had plenty adventures with men and liked it very much as well as with women. Decidedly I was completely bi. As I wrote in previous stories, I’m writing about near 30 years ago. It was... Read full Story
First Meeting with Couple
Hi everyone, I actually went through with it and got together with the couple from the fetish party to experience my first sex and scene in real life. It didn't go as i had dreamed of; but, thinking that it would go like that was pretty naive on my part. To start with, i Must tell how cute I l... Read full Story
More TS sex
Some time passed since my first encounter with the lovely transvestite and I often remembered it in my lonely bed. But I couldn’t make the decision to seek her again. Maybe afraid from being seen, as she used to walk around near my office I started leaving office before dark. When I went ou... Read full Story
My Sister's First Bra
When I was growing up, I was very close to my mother and my sister. My Dad had skipped out on us when I was two. I really don't remember him at all, and to this day i don't ever want to see him again. It was only natural thatI did "girly" things instead of playing ball with the boys. I did... Read full Story
Lucky Afternoon
For the past few years I have had this urge to have sex with a man. After finding Xhamster The urge has gotten to the point where I was going to have to do something about it. I found a guy on this site who told me what to watch out for and the best places to meet someone. I do not like going to bar... Read full Story
I had gotten dolled up nice and slutty looking in my motel room, and had been internet chatting for a couple of hours, so I was feeling very sexy. All dressed up and nowhere to go in a small southern town. I peeked out my window and could see that the place looked pretty dead. No lights were on in t... Read full Story
The Teacher and Me
Funniest and hottest story of my life right here: Growing up in a small, redneck community, I wasn't going to come out of the closet anytime soon. I had to find an outlet for my sexual desires, even if just for a single night. I resorted to Craig's List the day I turned 18. So there I was on c... Read full Story
Wild halloween night
First sorry everyone it’s been a several month since I been here was busy with my life. Anyway Halloween comes once a year and we all wear custom and I know personally lots of guys like to wear female custom. I am cross-dress and love Halloween, this Halloween was wild first ever wild Hallow... Read full Story