Free Stories

Vegas Encounter- Part trois
This was to be Jack’s second night in Las Vegas, he had met his online pen pal Diane, and her roommate Holli, the previous day and the three hit it off with an evening of sex. Jack had spent the day getting to know Holli, and the day proved to be unbelievable. Holli and Jack took a drive into the mo... Read full Story
Uncle sweet Lover
Uncle Barney called me this morning and wanted me to keep my evening free. He wanted to meet me at the motel with a surprise for me. I was so excited and could hardly wait. I had to decide on something to wear, but when I thought about it, I realized that I wanted to wear something special. He would... Read full Story
Marathon im Cruisingworld Kirchberg
Ich wurde um 11 Uhr bei mir zuhause von meiner Begleitung abgeholt, gemeinsam fuhren wir ins Cruisingworld nach Kirchberg. Angekommen, wurden wir sogleich nett begrüsst, danach ging es in die Garderobe und gleich ins Spiegelzimmer. Wir starteten den Tag zärtlich mit Küssen und Streicheln. Ich wurd... Read full Story