Free Stories

Kidnapped (Adult Fiction)
Kidnapped I remember being normal. I was a young man in my 20's living in my parent's house struggling to get by. I was online more than I probably should have, but it was an escape from the harsh reality of my life. I didn't feel fulfilled or like a success, I felt like a failure on many differe... Read full Story
High School Friend Has A Secret
I had just walked inside my apartment after a 10 minute walk from the grocery store in the blistering cold. It was a frigid Denver day in the middle of February, the kind that forces you to sit cooped up inside all day. My roommates were still back in our hometown visiting old friends and family. We... Read full Story
The Conference
It had been a long day at the conference. During my evening meal in the hotel restaurant with some colleagues I noticed a stunning looking woman across the room. We met eyes on several occasions and acknowledged each other with a warm smile. She stood up to leave the restaurant and I was able ... Read full Story
Bar trap Part 2
I was supposed to put on heavy makeup. Starting with the foundation, I applied a generous layer of a brand especially designed for the use on stage, that did a very good job covering up any dark shadows. After I was satisfied with the effect, I used a brush to put on powder and make it all smoot... Read full Story
A Transvestite Love
"Are you sure you want to go inside?" Heather asked. "Of course. I mean, we've come so far, haven't we?" I said. "But you know what I am." Her eyes seemed sad – her tone emotionless. Just moments earlier we were having dinner and those eyes were bright and t... Read full Story