Free Stories

Becoming an identical twin part II
When I woke up I realized that I was in a very pink room. It looks like the exact same room I stayed in the last time I was at my Aunt's castle. I get out of the soft bed and I realize that all my clothes have disappeared. I try to check the closet to see if my clothes are in there. There i... Read full Story
MY WIFE-T I Never before have my eyes seen so much beauty All natural pretty in one being Lucky I am, because I am seeing To the most beautiful cutie. II You are the creature so more fruity I want with my mouth To kiss your longed booty And with his nectar get spouse III We ... Read full Story
A pervy uncle invited me to his house at 10 PM..!
It's been 8-10 years now, I had this amazing experience. I was standing at the bus stop in my area/street(my daily routine), one uncle was watching me but I ignored eye contact as I feel awkward the way he was looking at me because I act straight in public and I felt that he's seen my girly ... Read full Story
Son fils se transforme en Sarah
Cela faisait quelques années folles. Il y a seulement 5 ans, je me suis présenté à ma mère comme étant un travesti. Elle avait été très accueillante, ne posant pas beaucoup de questions mais tant que j'étais heureuse, c'était tout ce qui comptait. Elle n'a pas dit si elle savait qu'e... Read full Story
Je n'oublierai jamais le jour où ça a commencé, le jour où nous l'avons attrapé. Mon mari Nick et moi étions sortis avec des amis pour notre anniversaire de mariage. Nous avions l'intention de passer la nuit à l'hôtel, mais mon mari prenait des pilules, il ne pouvait donc pas boire, et nous avons dé... Read full Story
Former un petit garçon sexy à devenir une petite fille sexy
Ceci est entièrement un acte de fiction, toute corrélation avec des personnes ou des événements réels est complètement fortuite. Je ne cautionne pas ces actes dans la réalité, ils ne sont qu'une exploration de la fantaisie. Apprécier! Aujourd'hui, j'ai passé une journée spéciale avec mon peti... Read full Story
Diary of a Sissy
Dear Diary, This time I fucked it up for good... I am completely lost in the viscous cycle of sissy hypnosis. My beta girl nature was starving to be controlled by superior men. The desire to be owned was so intense that made me do something I have never done before in my whole life.. this time I ... Read full Story
"Sissy Ricky."
This is from an email I received from a sweet girl who recounts this true experience: "When I was 10 I had a friend, Ricky, who had four sisters. The two oldest had left home already, the younger two, a few years older than he was, lived still at home. As their parents had theater jobs that kep... Read full Story