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Ein etwas anderes Grillfest 31.07.24
Am 31.07. wollten wir eigentlich ein geiles Grillfest in der Ruine Anwil feiern. Leider machte Petrus kurzfristig nicht mit, so dass wir bei Andrea Obdach fanden. Nach und nach fanden alle Gäst:innen bei Andrea ein. Andrea begutachtete, als gute Gastgeber:in, die mitgebrachten Würste, während der G... Read full Story
Just One of Those Days
Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Amanda, though I sometimes use the shortened version Mandy. I am thirty-three but my sexual awakening didn't really occur until I had turned thirty. Previously I had been a generally shy and quiet girl with a steady and normal relationship. ... Read full Story
Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 12
The demons found exits in the walls or floor, vanishing between chinks of stone or through hidden grates or into holes they'd dug for themselves over the long centuries of their residence-or imprisonment-in Baphomet's palace. Only one remained. "My former consort, Baubo," Baphomet intro... Read full Story