Howdy folks, we would like to welcome y'all to the finals for the 10th Annual T-girl Rodeo! Now this here being the tenth anniversary and all we're gonna put on one hellva show for ya! Commentating up here in the announcers box with me is the first ever T-girl Grand Champion, Lorna "Tail Buster" Johnson. Folks let's give the Tail Buster here a great big rodeo welcome! Say howdy to these good folks Lorna!
Howdy, good folks!
Hoo wee, Lorna those folks sure are glad to see you here with me!
I'd say they are! That's about the best applause I've gotten any where I've ever gone Slim!
Now Lorna, I would reckon that anyone who has made it into the grandstands here at the Hard Rider arena would know the ins and outs of this rodeo, but why don't you give them a quick run down on the history of the rodeo and how the scoring is awarded.
I'd love to Slim. This rodeo started, of course, ten years ago. Back then the field of contestants was quite a bit smaller than today. We had a turn out of about 14 riders so it only took one day to run the whole thing. The rules were simple. Whoever could stay in the saddle for more than 30 seconds received 30 points. If they couldn't make the 30 seconds then how many seconds they did stay in the saddle is how many points they received. Then the rider also received up to fifteen bonus points given out by the judges on how rough the ride was. So it is possible that a rider could get all the bonus points, not have a full ride, and still get more points that another rider that stayed on for the full 30 seconds. So that is why you always see a rider trying to infuriate their mount before the ride. The points are added up throughout the night and the girl with the most points after 10 rides wins. The only change from those rules was made 5 years ago to thin down the field. Now, if you don't earn at least 20 points per round you can't ride in the next round.
Well I'd say those rules are simple enough for everyone to follow along with and it looks like they're getting ready to start the last round Lorna so I reckon we better start payin attention and earn our pay as commentators.