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Southern Hospitality Ch. 01


Ash gawped at his mother, incredulous as to what she had just said. He understood the basic premise of what had happened, but the reasoning she must have had absolutely baffled him.
"Why?! Why would you do that?!" He pleaded, voice light and desperate.
She shrugged, looking across at him with a raised eyebrow, chewing on a mouthful of her food. "I don't see what the big deal is.. You agreed to help her?"
"I agreed to help her but I didn't agree to that! Ugh.. You've no idea what you've done." he said with a soft huff, looking down at his plate and spearing a piece of penne, taking a bite.
"No, I suppose I don't." She laughed airily and smiled cheerily as she ate, enjoying her ignorance on the matter.
Their neighbour, and his moms best friend, Laura, had recently entered the modern age by acquiring herself a laptop, and while this on it's own didn't present Ash with an issue, what his mom had offered most certainly did.
She had quite happily surrendered to Laura Ash's mobile number so that if any tech related issues arose, she could text or call him for support.
Ash himself was a relatively geeky guy, ever since he could remember he had been bullied at school for his accurately perceived effeminacy. This status as a social outcast among the boys and his growing up in a budding world of technology had allowed him to slip quite happily into an introvert's lifestyle, spending every second he could on his computer. In time he'd come to need glasses, which only served to frame and accentuate his already feminine features.
Things hadn't been so bad since his move to college. While he still struggled to make male friends he fit in very well with the girls, a bunch of the popular sophomore crowd taking him under their wing, adoring him for his unintentional feminine charms. While to his disappointment none of them were interested in him like that, he had become one of the girls. Which certainly came with its bonuses.
For a start, he got to hang out with one of the colleges more popular girl squads, which had at least afforded him protection from those that would usually pick on a freshman like him.

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