It is about a 3 hour drive depending on traffic to the Tivoli Marina Portimão in the Algarve from where I was staying at the Hotel Mundial. Oliva came to pick me up. She had one of those Toyota SUV things. I put my bag in the car and I noticed Olivia had rather a collection of luggage. I smiled to myself. She got out of the car to great me with a wonderful hug and kiss. We were like a hand in a glove now. She was wearing a singlet top showing her lovely unrestrained boobs. She had a flora type skirt that was down to her knees. I wondered if her beautiful cock was as unrestrained as her boobs. With any luck I would find out! She had those round Sophia Lauren type sunnies perched on a straw fedora like hat. She had a pair of white havaianas on her feet with her long toes painted red. Fuck she was stunning.
I was wearing my I love Portugal T-shirt, I love Lisbon hat, board shorts that had a mesh (so no underpants for me!) and my well-worn Spiderman havaianas. Olivia said I was such an old fart! Before we started Olivia handed me a little cosmetic bag and asked if I had performed my morning anal cleanse. I said of course you never know where you’ll want to fuck me I said rather confidently. She said good. Now I want you to go to the bathroom and look in the bag, you’ll know what to do. I went in and inside the bag was a butt plug and some lube. I took a little effort to push it in even with what Olivia had been doing to me! Any way insert it I did. It was an odd feeling walking around not unpleasant just odd. So with Olivia driving, me next to her, my butt plug inserted, we set off on what was going to be, I hoped, quiet the sexual adventure. I just really wanted to be fucked a lot to be honest!
Roughly half way in our trip we stopped at a Galp petrol station. Attached was a little place called Restaurante Alvalade. I am not against truck stops for food but my expectation of something great was not high. It was late lunch time and we were a little hungry. Olivia’s Portuguese is enough to get by and mine well … frankly it’s terrible. I think she was having some fun with me and what I was saying. But being a traveller I knew enough to order food and beer of course! I had Carne de porco a alentejana (Pork and clams) and Olivia had the Omolete Camarao (shrimps).